Saturday, October 19, 2019

History, Lyndon Johnsons Great Society Research Paper

History, Lyndon Johnsons Great Society - Research Paper Example Banes only had 11 months to prove himself to Americans that he was a true leader that America wanted. Johnson used his persuasion skill to have the civil rights bill which prohibited unfairness based on race and gender employment and further ended public facilities segregation passed. Johnson used the name â€Å"Great Society† to describe his reform program when after he declared war on poverty and this further intensified when he won a decisive victory over Barry Goldwater of Arizona. Economically, he pushed for the economic activity of 1964, which was aimed at fighting poverty, cutting tax, training for the poor and use of federal funds to attack unemployment and illiteracy.2 Indeed, Lyndon’s three years in power proved his sheer determination and hard work which he undoubtedly surprised liberals. Johnson successfully provided support for elementary and secondary schooling by allowing funds to be used in helping both public and private schools. Furthermore, an Omnibus housing act gave rent supplements for the less privileged in the society and provided funds to construct low-income housing. He additionally addressed transportation safety matters by signing two important transportation bills.3 During Johnson’s reign, American liberalism was at high tide due to a number of signed acts that greatly empowered the citizen. Some of the additional signed acts are wilderness protection act that saved almost 9.1 million acres of forestland from industrial development as well as the immigration act that ended discriminatory quotas based on ethnic origin. Besides, there was the national endowment for the arts and humanities, which allowed the use of public money to fund artists and galleries thus promoting art and creativity among the talented populace that could not afford to sponsor themselves.

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